Lifestyle architect & interior design


Meet the visionary behind Vancouver’s internationally acclaimed design firm and retail boutique.


Christina Co

The visionary force behind Vancouver's internationally acclaimed interior design firm and boutique, 'Curated Home.' With an unwavering dedication to enriching lives through the art of design, Christina embodies a profound commitment to creating spaces that resonate deeply with the soul.

Her creations are more than just designs; they are timeless reflections of a holistic ethos, transcending fleeting trends to embrace the essence of each individual. Christina is not just a designer; she is a lifestyle architect, a dream weaver who guides her clients towards spaces that inspire growth and ignite the imagination.

From bedrooms that evoke confidence and connection to kitchens that awaken culinary passions, Christina champions the belief that well-designed spaces have the power to unveil the latent potential within each property and illuminate the unique essence of every life they touch.

At the core of Christina's philosophy lies the understanding that truly beautiful homes are crafted with mindful intention, guided by the soul's wisdom. She believes that our living spaces should be more than just structures; they should be sanctuaries that foster deeper connections with ourselves and others.

Each space she creates is a testament to her belief that design has the power to transform, inspire, and elevate the human experience.

Book your interior design discovery meeting

"Curating a deeper sense of what Home really means. A heart centred design journey to help you unlock a more fulfilling way of life.  " 

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