3 Top Tips for a Low Libido

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A low sex drive is a part of life. It happens to the best of us. It doesn’t mean that you or your relationship are broken, it likely means you need a little TLC.

The truth is, I don’t know a single woman alive who’s not experienced the pitfalls of low libido at some point in her life and men aren’t immune from it either.

The occasional stresses of a busy schedule, work, and fatigue often play a role in how we show up in the bedroom. Although body chemistry can plan a roll in our bodies sex drive, the reality is that a low libido is more often than not a symptom of self-neglect. It’s a sign that you’re not getting what you need in your everyday life to feel relaxed, playful, inspired and sexy enough to turn it on in the bedroom.

Our sexual energy is a direct indication of our vitality levels. When we’re sick, stressed or struggling with grief and extenuating life circumstances often our sex drive is the first thing to go.

If you’re feeling the effects of a low sex drive, here are a top 3 self assessment questions to ask in order to get your love life back on track.

1.When was the last time you felt good in your body?

Self-care plays a big roll in how sexy you feel. Are you nourishing your body to ensure vibrancy in your day to day routine? Proper exercise and nutrition are key in vitality and vitality play a big roll in our sex lives.

Fresh fruits and proper hydration have been proven to increase mood, not to mention the antioxidant benefits for glowing skin. The same can also be said for a good sweat session. Getting your body moving is an essential part of finding a life balance.

It’s not rocket science that when we feel good in our skin, we show up better in the bedroom. Although positive body image does aid in our confidence level when it comes to playing outside of the sheets, the dopamine that is release as a part of a regular fitness routine is essential to our wellness.

In addition to getting our bodies moving, diet and quality supliments can certianly aid in upping the ante of our wellness and libidos.

I’m not a nutritionist by any means but I’m a bit of health enthusiast and I’ve found these supliments to be helpful in using my vitality.

  1. Panax Ginseng: An adaptogen to aid with anxiety, fatigue, and a natural mood booster.

  2. Maca Root: Famous for sexual health, it’s known to assist with menstrual cramps and increase hormone levels assisting with increase sex drive and overall energy.

  3. Red Clover: Said to aid with increased sexual desire, mood and increase energy.

These are just a few of many natural supplements that have been known to aid with low libido but the reality is, our overall well being is multifaceted, and in my experience, there is no one cure-all.

So, I have a few more questions so ask you.

2.When was the last time you did something to feel sexy just for you?

Self-care and self-love can be as simple as having a long bath and reading a good book. Take the time to moisturize and do what you need to do to feel beautiful in your own skin. A rushed routine where the is no ritual of self-love can leave you feeling half full. It’s important to spend time on you, for you and the beautiful thing of it all, is that when you feel connected to yourself and beautiful in your own skin, it’s often easy to connect with others.

Is it really that shocking? The concept of putting you first for once so you actually have something left to give to someone else. Let’s take it further.

If you're putting the effort into your body, and you’re taking some time out in the chaos of the daily grid, what about your environment? Don’t think for a second, one doesn’t impact the other.

3.How inspired are you in your bedroom?

It’s not coincidental that couples often have an easier time connecting while on vacation than they do in the comforts of their room, and there’s a very logical explanation that goes beyond leaving the confines of your daily grind.

Hotels are designed to seduce the senses and create a feeling of bliss. It’s the element of feeling nurtured by your environment that often has people craving that five-star stay at their favorite luxury hotel. The soft thread count against your skin, the fluffy duvet, stunning headboard, soft lighting, and well thought out layouts are all apart of creating memorable experiences that leave you craving more.

They are spaces that call you to embody your best self. They are spaces that inspire mornings where you want to linger longer with breakfast in bed, and they are spaces that inspire more play and beautiful lingerie.

Whether you like it or not, we are visually sensitive creatures greatly affected by our environment and if you have a blasé bedroom, don’t expect to have an exceptional love life.

You’re worth the investment. From the extra time, it takes to show yourself some love with a more nurturing self-care routine to upgrade your bedroom to a sultry oasis, never forget that it’s the sum of life’s little details that make the difference.

Here are three tips to help you up the sex appeal in your bedroom.

  1. Set the mood with lighting: If you want to bring out a more playful side in you and your partner, ensure that your lighting nurtures confidence in the bedroom. Avoid pot lights as they can create heaving shawdows which can not only excentuate every flaw but can contribute to making you look older and tired. Wall sconces are ideal as they softly illuminate the body without cause in down casting shadows. Chandeliers are also a lovely way to add charm and ambiance. Master rule however is use dimmer switches whenever possible.

  2. Choose your colours wisely: Whenever you’re selecting a fabric head board or bedding, ensure that the colour works well with your skin town. There is nothing worse than being washed out or clashing with you bed. It’s the area in your home that should make you look your absolute best, so be mindful of your eye colour and skin town when establishing your colour palette.

  3. Splurge on quality bedding: There is nothing more luxurious than feeling a plush loft from a beautiful duvet and the softness of ultra fine cotton against the skin. You would be amazed at what quality bedding can not only do to make you feel more indulgent in the bedroom. From more restful sleeps to longer cuddle sessions on a Sunday morning, quality bedding can really enhance your quality of life. We spend one third of our life sleeping, so you may as well have a spectacular space to nurture you everyday.

I hope you’ve been inspired to make some changes in your bedroom. If you would like to explore all the beautiful options available and are curious about what working with a designer would be like, I invite you to book a complimentary in-store consultation. A world of hidden treasures and nuggets of design wisdom are just around the corner.