A Bachelor's Guide to a better Love life

Improve your sex life

How much game do you have?

It’s a Friday night, and you’re getting ready for your hot date, and you feel like tonight is the night to turn up the heat and maybe invite her back to your place. Whether you want her to or not is your prerogative, and I’m not here to judge, but how likely is it that she will want to stay wrapped in your sheets? Or a better question, will she want to get in them, to begin with without needing the influence of a few martinis?

Are you proud of your space? Does it echo who you are and how you want to be perceived? Does your home do you justice?

If it doesn’t, you’re missing out because let’s be honest, not every bedroom is worthy of Agent Provocateur lace. If you want the best of the best, then expect to bring your A-game because for that lingerie to hit the floor, she can’t risk it getting lost in your laundry pile.

A well-design bedroom is one that does 50% of the foreplay because it’s so damn sexy.

If your interior design is lacking sex appeal, expect that you’ll have to work a lot harder. If you’re lighting is just right, she’ll feel confident enough to be on display, and you’ll see her more playful sexy side. If you have harsh lighting, watch her recoil under the covers instead, and perhaps you will too. Nothing like heavy shadows to make you self-conscious about the frequency of your workout routine. Lighting is an essential element in creating the right mood in a space, and nothing will squash confidence and a sense of playfulness in the bedroom like the glare of harsh lighting, and we haven’t even discussed your threadcount yet.

No woman that I’ve ever met will put on a garter belt for a guy that lives in the likes of a juvenile bachelor pad.

You know … the room that looks like an IKEA catalog or worse, filled with the remnants of dated hammy downs from generations past. There’s nothing sexy about being in a space that wreaks of charity and poor taste.

There’s nothing worse than a bait and switch, and sadly more often than not, it's not done intentionally. That charming but clueless guy who’s killing it in his career has a nice ride and knows how to dress, seems to have his shit together, but the jig is up when it’s time to bring someone home to dim the lights (that’s IF he has a dimmer switch, to begin with). It’s so disheartening when the illusion of a sexy a sophisticated gent is dissolved by the disappointing reality that he’s just a well-dressed boy in a suit who still lives like… a boy.

There is nothing that will kill a woman's libido faster than a tired and dated frat house inspired space. Sure, you may know how to pull hair like a man, but if your space looks like a boy's room… it’s hard to get past.

I hope if you're reading this that you're not that guy, and if you are, know that there is help for you. Men (at least straight men) aren’t expected to know how to pull a space together, and it’s perfectly ok to ask for help. If you’re one of those guys who’s waiting to find Mrs. Right to have a beautiful space, you may have to wait longer than you like. I don’t know too many incredible women who are keen to take on another project, and frankly, it’s not her job to have to overhaul your mess. Besides, it’s a misconception that most women are design savvy. All the episodes of HGTV haven’t made them any more competent; it’s just given them a false sense of confidence, so they’re more likely to make some expensive mistake, but I digress. We’re not talking about your wife; I’ll write a separate article for that. This is for the bachelors out there who need a little help getting their playmates to want to stay for more than just a nightcap.

Sure, you kill it at the office, and you're a total boss at your job and when you’re out with the boys, but what does your place say about you?

Some designers make sharp-looking spaces, and then some designers curate lifestyles.

As a designer who believes that life is too short for mediocrity, my goal is to help you up the ante in your day to day experience by creating a space that inspires you to embody your highest potential. The reality is, when your place looks like a boss, you feel like one too and that translates not just in every room we touch (and the bedroom is no exception), but it impacts how you walk out your door every day and that my lovely gent is why I do what I do.

Don’t underestimate the impact that your interior design (or the lack thereof) has on your love life.

If you want to feel like a total Boss in the bedroom, you may want to consider upping the ante. Give us a call at 604-564-0404 or schedule a complimentary onsite consultation at our shop at 1637 W 3rd Ave, Vancouver, to explore your design possibilities.